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Ffxv Pocket Edition Finding the Cactuar Locations Chapter 3

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Main Menu
  3. Main Characters
  4. Skills
  5. Achievements
  6. Gameplay & Controls
  7. Walkthrough
    1. Chapter I
    2. Chapter II
    3. Chapter III
    4. Chapter IV
    5. Chapter V
    6. Chapter VI
    7. Chapter VII
    8. Chapter VIII
    9. Chapter IX
    10. Chapter X
  8. Contact Info.


Chapter III


After some scenes of the party in transit, you will end up in Lestallum.


Head up the ramp to the right, then head west and grab the field-item in front of the red car. Continue heading west and then turn south when you get to a garden area. Grab the field-item, then head down the stairs on the right to grab another one. Head south down another flight of stairs, then just north around the stairs is a field-item. Head to the opposite side of the same area in the south-east, passed the other set of stairs for another field-item. head back up the stairs and a bit north and a scene will trigger. Head north through the area and head east when you get to a little outdoor cafe & grab the nearby field-item.

The camera will shift so that you're now heading north. Keep moving forward & visit the shop if you like, then head west which once again becomes north due to the camera. Keep going and you will see 2 smashable wooden boxes on the right. Head south from here, grabbing the field-item on the way & at the fork, the camera will rotate again. Head north all the way to the end and then west, down the stairs to end up in a market. Explore the area if you like, checking out the different tap points for info. If you open your map, in the north-west corner, there's a Store and to the shop-keeper's immediate right, behind a stall is another field-item. The Store sells healing items if you're interested and the other Store in the center of the area sells accessories.

When you're done here, head south from the market then north-east at the fork for a field-item. Head back the way you came, this time heading south at the fork and a scene will trigger and then the party will be facing their destination to the north. If you turn back & head directly south, towards the main area, there's a field-item you can pick up. Heading back north toward your destination, there's another field-item on the left near a lamp-post. Head to the destination to meet Gladio's little sister Iris. Quest Completed.

You're now introduced to a few NPCs Jared and Talcott who introduce themselves and leave the party alone with Iris. After the scenes Ignis will make a cake from the ingredients you found before, this will boost your Attack, HP and MP Regen.

The next morning you're in the main lobby of the hotel with Iris - the rest of the party is sight-seeing with the little boy Talcott you just met. She offers to go sight-seeing with you. You can either: Accept or Decline.

Accept if you want Iris to show you around.

If you choose to go, this part is not automated and basically has you chasing after Iris - literally - to the different parts of town, with dialogue in between.

You're also able to express interest, or lack thereof during your interactions with Iris.

This time Iris chases you to the power-plant entrance. You can choose to encourage or express concern for Iris at this time as well.

Once again, follow the Compass to the destination while Iris chases you, grabbing any field-items you encounter on the way.

This time Iris teases you by implying you're on a date. Your response options are to either: Deny the suggestion; or Make light of the subject.

Follow the Compass back to the hotel & Iris will mention how much fun she's had. You're response options are: Agree with Iris; Make light of the subject; Change the subject. Quest Completed.

Back outside your map is updated with 2 ingredients, 2 side-quests and the main quest.

Side-Quest: Collect Ingredients

Head immediately south from where you start and smash the wooden crate on your left to get your first ingredient and to begin the quest. Continue south and you should see Talcott just north east of you. Talk to him to initiate his side-quest, which involves collecting 5 Cactuar dolls.

Side-Quest: Crazy About Cactuars

Note: You will actually have to tap on the doll to acquire it, as you won't be able to collect it by walking near it the same way other field-items work.

Head back south and continue on your previous path towards the center of town. As soon as you exit the alley way, look south to see a smashable wooden box which contains your second ingredient . Quest Completed.

Head north and the east to get back to the weapon's Store and you will see your first Cactuar doll . 1/5.

Note: I accidentally picked it up before I snapped the pic, but it's literally in front of where Noctis is standing in the picture.

From here, head north and then south, around the corner and right before the fork, on your right hand side will be your second Cactuar doll. 2/5.

Head north, then west into the market and just south of the store in the center, to the immediate left of a tap-point is the third Cactuar doll . 3/5.

Keep following the path back to the center of the area - head east until you see some chairs on the east side of the area, your fourth Cactuar doll is there on the table. 4/5

The final Cactuar doll is at the view point right by a bench, so head south and to the view point and grab it. 5/5. Quest completed.

From here, do a 180% turn and head back up the stairs, you will see glowing red spot to the left onthe ground. Pick it up and a new Scraps of Mystery side-quest will begin.

Side-Quest: Scraps of Mystery

Head north in the direction of the power-plant and right when you get to the fork where you would turn east to head towards the weapon-seller, you will see a cart to the immediate right of the stairs to the north. The bush between the cart and the tree is where the treasure is located.

Next, head back south towards the Outlook and as soon as you've descended the first set of stairs, head to the west and you will see an umbrella and chairs - the area you're looking for is the glowing red spot that will appear in front of the blue coloured stand to the left of the umbrella.

Next head back north back up the stairs, then head east a bit towards the chairs and umbrella on the right. Head north a bit more and you will see 2 benches on the left-hand side, the second bench is where your treasure is. Quest Completed.

When you're done in Lestallum, head to your car and you'll be on your way to Greyshire Glacial Grotto.

You will be back at the Character Level-Up screen, so spend any AP points you may have.

Greyshire Glacial Grotto

Head down the linear path on the hill to the water's edge and then north towards the waterfall. Immediately behind the falls is a field-item, so grab it & enter the cave. Head north a bit and you will encounter a new enemy: Ice Flan. Moving on, the map makes it appear that you can take the right fork, but due to the terrain you cannot; so head west instead. Use the Fire Magic Source and the team will slide down a hill and be dropped back into battle with more Ice Flans. Use your Fire spell to deal massive damage & wipe them out. Grab the field-item to the immediate north, then head west and use the Ice Magic Source . If you head east at the fork, you will encounter more monsters. From here you can either head south which leads back to the first fork you couldn't cross, or head north and smash the stalagmites of ice.

Follow the path around and a cut-scene will trigger. Head west down the slow, then north grabbing the field-item and smashing the icicles on your way. Once you cross to the east, another Arachne monster will drop down on the party. After the battle, head west and north to the lower area and keep on north to get the field-item, the backtrack a bit and smash the icicles on the right and descend to battle some monsters: Imps. After they're gone, smash all the 3 icicles on the north-east and then head back to where you fought Arachne. This time head north-east and cross the crevice when you get there. Head forward and grab the Fire Magic Source and some Flans and Imps will attack. Hit them with the Fire spell if you like to do some massive damage.

Head west, smashing the icicle and grab the field-item and follow the curving northward & slide down to the area below. Head into the main area and smash the icicles and grab the field-item to the south and head up the ramp. Head north and there will be a fork - if you want more EXP/AP, head left up the ice-bridge and you will fall back down to the area you just came from, along with another Arachne and a bunch of Tarantulas. Take the right fork and head north & you will battle some more enemies. Clear them out & continue north and go through the crevice at the end.

Walk forward & some Imps and Flans will attack. Warp up on the ledge to take out the Imps while the part deals with the Flans, then warp back down to help out when you're done with the Imps. Smash the nearby icicles and head north west up the slope, then smash the icicles blocking your path on the left side and grab the golden coloured item.

Head back out and north-east and keep following it east until you enter a small clearing with some more enemies. After the battle, head to the east and use the Lightning Magic Source, then head north, along the narrow ledge to another lightning magic source. Descend the hill and walk across the narrow ledge by tapping the icon.

In the next area, walk forward a bit and you will be in a boss fight.

Boss Fight: Mindflayer

The boss will appear with some Ice Flans, so use your lightning spell to inflict heavy damage, as soon as the Mindflayer falls, another spawns with some more Imps and Flans and finally a third group will spawn once they go down. After clearing out all 3 waves, the battle will be over. Enter your destination - the Tomb of the Wanderer. Noctis will be granted the Swords of the Wanderer Royal Arm. Quest Completed.

Ignis will create his recipe for the group: Robust Bean Soup, which gives an MP Boost & MP Regent Boost.

Lestalum (Revisited)

When you get control of the party again, you need to head to the Outlook. By now you know the way, just head south & the camera will adjust so you can keep heading in the same direction. Grab the field-items on the way and you will be introduced (officially) to Ardyn. When you're ready, head to your car.

Side-Quest: Crazy About Cactuars

There's also another 5 Cactuar dolls to find here as well.

The first one can be found to the immediate right of the stairs in front of the party. 1/5.

The second is just up the stairs and to the left in the flower-bed. 2/5.

The third is up against the wall, near the right-side entrance to Lestallum, behind a blue-black car. 3/5.

To get the fourth one, head all the way north and towards the power-plant, but head west to go to the market. As you're descending the stairs, it will be on a ledge to your right. 4/5.

The last one is in the market below, near the south-west corner it's on a basket of vegetables. Quest Completed.

Grab the field-item just north-east of Ardyn and then speak with him to initiate the journey to Cauthess, the Disc.

Ardyn will attempt to choose the driver, but you're ultimately given the options: Take the Wheel; Leave it to Ignis; Drive Ardyn's car; Ride with Ardyn. Make your choice & you will be back at the Character Level-Up screen.

Cauthess, the Disc

Follow the winding, linear path and you will get another Royal Arm: Blade of the Mystic & you will meet Titan. It will temporarily just be Noctis & Gladio.

After the scene, head east on the only path you are given, avoiding the flames that pop up as they will damage you. Once you eventually hit a fork, head east and grab the two field-items. Head back and go left at the fork and use the Fire Magic Source. Head north & north-west until a scene triggers.

After the scene, follow the linear path towards the destination. On the way be careful of the flames when picking up the field-items. Part-way through Gladio will give you a hard time and ask if you're of Royal blood.

A little farther up, Magitek Axemen will show up. After dealing with them and heading a bit further down, more Axemen, this time accompanied by Rifleman show up. Keep going & grab the Ice Magic from the nearby source. This time once you engage the imperials, you will have access to Armiger.

Activate it via the tutorial and Noct will pretty much single-handedly wipe out the group of Magiteks. Keep heading north and you will get a Quest Completed and enter the Character Level-Up screen.

You will enter an odd sort of boss fight with Titan.

Boss Fight: Titan

This fight consists of parries and dodges mostly. Follow the on screen prompts and you will soon be reunited with the party. Keep parrying and attacking his arm when he drops forward. Ignore the Magitek Spearmen and Titan will wipe them out on his own. Before long a scripted end to the fight will trigger.

After the scene, you will have acquired Titan as a Summon & you'll be back to the Character Level-Up screen.

This will end Chapter 3.

Ffxv Pocket Edition Finding the Cactuar Locations Chapter 3
